Archive Pro A1/A2
High-performance archive scanner with variable glass plate for demanding digitization projects
Outstanding features to suit your requirements
Anyone working in an archive has to deal with exciting and revealing treasures from the past, with bound or stapled documents, with individual paper pages, with large and small formats, with smooth or corrugated surfaces. If you want to digitize all of this to make it available to people now and in the future, you need a scanning system that you can rely on and that is just as versatile as the originals that need to be digitized. The solution: the book2net Archive Pro.
This scanner is available in A1 and A2 versions. Of course, the Archive Pro is also ideal for transferring small formats to the digital world. To do this, the camera simply moves up close and within a few seconds a true-to-original image with clear resolution is created, everything is sharp, and the colors remain unaltered. This applies to any format. Keyword camera: You can choose whether the Archive Pro should be equipped with our M70 or M150 camera version.
The Archive Pro has three large LED lights – one at the back, one on the left and one on the right. Let’s assume we place a thick book with a deep fold on the book cradle. If we want to avoid casting shadows, the book is only illuminated from above with the rear light. If, on the other hand, the right or left page is to be “staged” with raking light, it is advisable to illuminate only the right or left side. However, if you want to illuminate the entire original evenly, all three lights are needed.
While the camera slider and the lights are the quality guarantors in the upper area of the Archive Pro, the glass plate and the book cradle in the lower area ensure that excellent results are achieved. As with the other book2net production scanners, the book cradle of the Archive Pro also compensates for the weight and thickness of the book and thus ensures that the surface of a double-page book is always on the same level during the scanning process. The Archive Pro is also equipped with special features: As an extra, both sides of the book cradle can be controlled separately. In addition, the book cradle can be moved against the glass plate from below to save time and effort.
And finally, not to be neglected: the user comfort. The camera slider and book cradle have already been mentioned. The glass plate – non-reflective, of course – can be used in different ways depending on requirements, whether in a fixed position, self-opening or individually adjustable with the help of an electric motor. Another important feature is that you can see what the digital copy will look like on the screen. The user therefore always has full control.
Archive Pro Features
Scanning archive material places special demands on scanning systems and users in terms of accuracy, quality, productivity and workload. The often high diversity and sensitivity of historical files and documents require the greatest possible system flexibility, which must also meet ergonomic requirements. Requirements that the book2net Archive Pro fulfills perfectly thanks to the height adjustable camera carriage, the process-controlled automatic scanning system and the motorized pressure table that can be driven underneath. The Archive Pro is available as an A1 or A2 system and combines the qualitiesof a high-end production scanner with the advantages of a variable repro system. Application-specific formats from A1/A2 to A5+ can be easily scanned at high resolution.
High-performance sensor
- CMOS area sensor with global shutter
- Electronic wear-free shutter
- M70 or M150 camera
- 0.3 sec. scanning time (A1 at 300 ppi)
- 3.5 sec. processing time (scanning + imaging + storage)
- USB 3.1 Gen.1 interface
LED lighting
- Fresnel lenses for homogeneous illumination
Dual lighting unit (individually or synchronously controllable)
- Glare-free / no flash effects
- Adaptable to ambient light
- Light intensity <= 2.500 Lux
- Over 50.000 operating hours
- Low energy consumption
- CRI > 95
Glass plate
- Gentle 3 in 1 pressure
- 3 operating modes:
- 180° operation with a fixed glass plate
- Self-opening
- Motoric opening and closing (optional)
Intuitive scanning software
- Automatic cutting & alignment
- Easy Scan / bookScan scanning software
- OCR (optional)
- Live control (optional)
- Finger removal & page separation
Color management
Integrated true color management according to METAMORFOZE, FADGI, ISO/TS 19264:1 2017, ISO/TS 19264:1 2021, ICC standard regarding color quality, resolution, noise & linearity.
Many German state archives rely on the quality of book2net Archive Pro for the large-scale project of federal preservation filming:
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