German Federal
Document Safeguarding
According to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property, the German Federal and State Archives have scanned and microfilmed their most valuable collections since 1961. The microfilming is carried out on behalf of the Federation under the leadership of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). The archive material is security-filmed on microfilm in accordance with selection criteria defined by the Federal Government and in compliance with specified technical standards.

“Regarding the German Federal Safeguarding Project, I can look back on a very successful year, in which you and your company played a major role.”
Dr. Johann Zilien
The Hessian State Archives, Wiesbaden
The Hessian State Archives in numbers
Over 2,000
film containers
500 years of
21 million meters
microfilm material
Project background
As part of the conversion of the microfilming devices to digital technology, which was agreed between the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the Conference of Heads of the Federal and State Archives Administrations (KLA), four of the German state archives involved have already decided to purchase a total of 12 book2net high-performance archive scanners.
book2net action
The state archives of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine Westphalia and the Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation are the first institutions to have opted for our newly developed high-performance archive scanner book2net Archive Pro. The Archive Pro, developed in close cooperation with our customers as a hybrid scanning system, combines the functionality of a variable repro system with the user-friendliness, reliability and performance of an archive scanner. This unique versatility is particularly advantageous when digitizing heterogeneous collections. From mass digitization to individual conservational scans: As single device, the book2net Archive Pro covers a large number of tasks that would otherwise require different special scanners.
The first systems have been in use since the beginning of 2020. The projects were awarded in the course of tenders, in which, despite cheaper competitive products, we were able to prevail due to our unique technical features, versatility and outstanding quality.
About the Archive Pro