Category Archives: Case Studies

Dragon for the ThULB Jena

Das Volksblatt wird digitalisiert

In alten Zeitungen zu blättern, hat in vielerlei Hinsicht seinen Reiz. So unterscheidet sich beispielsweise die Reklame, die damals erschienen ist, deutlich von heutigen Anzeigen. Auch der Schreibstil in den Artikeln verändert sich im Laufe der Jahrzehnte. Und natürlich ist es spannend, sich die redaktionellen Inhalte genauer anzuschauen, insbesondere was die politischen Strömungen und technischen Entwicklungen angeht. Das sieht auch Dr. Andreas Christoph so, der an der Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek in Jena ein Digitalisierungsprojekt verantwortet, bei dem ein book2net Dragon-Scanner aus unserem Hause zum Einsatz kommt. Derzeit wird das Volksblatt – bis 1904 unter dem Titel Saalfelder Volksblatt erschienen – digitalisiert. Dabei handelte es sich um eine sozialdemokratische Tageszeitung, die in den Jahren 1890 bis 1933 publiziert wurde. Das Volksblatt liegt heute nahezu komplett im Stadtarchiv Saalfeld.

Das Projekt in zahlen


Neben dem vielschichtigen Interesse an alten Zeitungsausgaben allgemein spielen beim Volksblatt zwei weitere Aspekte eine Rolle: die Bedeutung des langjährigen Herausgebers Arthur Hofmann und der Stellenwert dieser Tageszeitung beim Erforschen der SPD-Geschichte in Thüringen von ihren Anfängen bis 1933.

Archivbestände der thüringischen SPD, vor allem aus der Zeit der Weimarer Republik, haben sich nur in geringem Umfang erhalten. Die Geschichte der Partei gerade für diesen Zeitabschnitt ist bislang kaum aufgearbeitet. Von daher kommt dem Volksblatt große Bedeutung zu“, heißt es im Antrag auf Förderung des Digitalisierungs-Projektes. Was den Herausgeber – und Leitartikel-Schreiber –  Arthur Hofmann (1863-1944) angeht, so zählte er zu den herausragenden Thüringer Sozialdemokraten. Er war Mitbegründer der SPD in Saalfeld und Rudolstadt, außerdem mehr als drei Jahrzehnte Landtagsabgeordneter und nach 1918 Regierungsmitglied in Sachsen-Meiningen. Zudem wirkte er als Abgeordneter und zeitweise stellvertretender Regierungschef im Land Thüringen sowie als Mitglied von Reichstag und Nationalversammlung. 

Die Technik

„Wir sichern erstmal nur das Erbe“, sagt Projektleiter Dr. Andreas Christoph. Wobei das Sichern auch auf das altersbedingt brüchige Zeitungspapier anspielt. Würde jeder Interessierte einfach in den alten Beständen blättern, käme es zu erheblichen Schäden.

Der book2net Dragon-Scanner bietet mit seiner objektschonenden Funktionsweise und seiner Schnelligkeit die ideale Lösung. Man legt die jeweilige Doppelseite der Zeitung auf den Buchtisch, der Dragon separiert dann beim Scannen die linke und die rechte Seite, so dass im Digitalisat letztlich jede Seite einzeln betrachtet werden kann.

Bei diesem Projekt an der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek in Jena ist neben der Technik auch der Mensch gefragt, der die Arbeit am Scanner erledigt. Dabei setzt das Team um Dr. Andreas Christoph auf den Inklusionsgedanken: Mitarbeiter der Lebenshilfe wirken entscheidend an der Digitalisierung der Zeitungsausgaben mit. 



Voraussichtlich bis zum  Herbst dieses Jahres sollen alle Volksblatt-Ausgaben digitalisiert sein. Die Zeitungsseiten werden dann, so ist der Plan, auf Landes- und Bundesportalen veröffentlicht, zudem auf der Plattform Europeana, auf der digitales Kulturerbe aus Europa zu finden ist.

Wer Interesse an den Zeitungsausgaben hat, kann einfach blättern oder bestimmte Ausgaben durchforsten. Die technische Entwicklung könnte es darüber hinaus ermöglichen, dass man nach Stichworten sucht und daraufhin Ergebnisse angezeigt bekommt. Optical Character Recognition (OCR), die optische Zeichenerkennung, wäre ein Instrument, um dies Realität werden zu lassen.

Weitere Case Studies


Goethe Multispectral

Goethe and much more

When you think of Weimar, Goethe, Schiller and the Bauhaus style quickly come to mind. Three flagships for sure, but the Thuringian city has many other cultural facets to offer, which the Klassik Stiftung Weimar is committed to preserving. Thereby, it covers a spectrum that is second to none. Certainly, Goethe plays a central, but by no means the only relevant role. The foundation comprises more than 27 museums, palaces, historic houses and parks as well as collections of literature and art. Naturally, it would like to preserve this extensive collection, pass it on to future generations and make it accessible to as many people as possible in the present and future.

A comprehensive digitization of these rich collections is therefore only logical. MICROBOX GmbH is supporting the Klassik Stiftung Weimar in this project by using the book2net multispectral system.  With its unique technology, it ensures that even the smallest detail on each individual work of art that is scanned is reliably captured. This is complemented by software that enables the user to work quickly, conveniently and accurately.

Goethe_Schiller_Weimar_c_Andreas Trepte_CC BY-SA 2.5
Goethe_Schiller_Weimar_c_Andreas Trepte_CC BY-SA 2.5
Photo: © Klassik Stiftung Weimar, photographers: Hannes Bertram

The Klassik Stiftung Weimar

This non-profit foundation under public law has set itself the task of preserving cultural treasures that bear witness to the period from the 16th to the 20th century. The institution was created in 2003 from the merger of the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik and the Kunstsammlungen zu Weimar, but its beginnings date back to the late 19th century.

In addition to the preservation and presentation of cultural assets, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar is also concerned with education. This starts at nursery and primary school age, but offers programs for all age groups. Another important pillar is research – including in cooperation with universities and other institutions in Germany and abroad.

the klassik stiftung Weimar in numbers

Capture, analyze & restore

The X71 multispectral system is being used to digitize hand drawings and prints from the 15th century to the present day for the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, including works by Albrecht Dürer, Leonardo da Vinci, Lucas Cranach and Caspar David Friedrich. In total, there are around 230,000 works.

“An important part of the collection are Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s own drawings and his art collection. The poet owned over 9,000 prints and more than 2,000 hand drawings,” explains Uwe Golle from the Klassik Stiftung Weimar. He also refers to over 2,000 herbarium leaves from Goethe’s natural history collection, which are also being digitized using multispectral technology. These are dried and pressed plants or parts thereof.

All the works that the Klassik Stiftung scans, stores and publishes are about preserving them for future generations in two ways. Firstly, because the digitized works are not exposed to the environmental influences that the originals are confronted with. Secondly, each individual sheet can be precisely analyzed thanks to the state-of-the-art technology and convenient software of our X71 multispectral system. Mould stains, moisture, old restorations and more are detected – and counter-measures are taken.

Digitization is followed by restoration. For example, paper tears are closed and ageing processes are slowed down or stopped. Uwe Golle explains: “Everything we handle should then be in a condition that, if stored correctly, will not need to be restored again for 50 to 100 years.”

KSW-Case Study
book2net filterlose Multispektralsystem

The Technology

The objects are digitized with our X71 multispectral system. Infrared and UV light can be used to capture every last detail. For example, the paper structure, any preliminary drawings, watermarks and pigments that would be invisible or only faintly visible to the naked eye become visible. Anyone using the multispectral system can “delve” into the depths of each individual page and gather important insights. One example: infrared light in a certain waveband optically highlights substances containing carbon, while other sites in the same waveband appear faded. With the easy-to-use software, you can display what you want to analyze with just a few clicks.

There is no need to change a filter on the lens for all this. The camera itself recognizes which areas it needs to focus on at that moment and which areas it needs to “fade out”. By dispensing with a manually installed filter, vibrations that would have a negative effect on the scanning process are avoided.

The images taken with the X71 multispectral system provide the Klassik Stiftung Weimar’s graphic arts restoration department with a contemporary documentation of the incoming works and their condition and are fundamental for restoration planning and any further examination.

OTHER Case Studies

Copies of the Gutenberg Bible in the safe room of the Gutenberg Museum Mainz

Gutenberg Bible Mainz

Gutenberg Bible Mainz
with Cobra A2


The famous 42-line Gutenberg Bible is considered to be the first book printed with movable type in the western world. It was created between 1452 and 1454 in Johannes Gutenberg’s printing workshop in Mainz, from which around 180 copies were produced. Of these, 30 were probably printed on precious parchment and around 150 on paper. Today, 49 of them are still known worldwide.

The design of the fonts and the printing in two columns adhere very closely to the appearance of contemporary manuscripts. Only the text was printed. Each buyer had the colourful decoration and the binding made independently by specialized craftsmen, the rubricators and illuminators. Each copy of the Gutenberg Bible is therefore unique.

The print usually consists of two volumes in folio format, of which the first volume contains the first part of the Old Testament, the second volume mainly the prophets of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Copies of the Gutenberg Bible in the safe room of the Gutenberg Museum Mainz
The Gutenberg-Museum in Mainz owns two editions of the Bible, bound in three volumes.
These are exhibited together with other precious works in the museum’s walk-in vault.

The Gutenberg Bible in numbers


on parchment

on paper

copies worldwide

Project background

The Gutenberg-Museum in Mainz holds two editions of the Bible, bound in three volumes. These are exhibited together with other precious works in the museum’s walk-in vault.
For the digitization project of the precious Mainz editions, the MICROBOX GmbH is providing the Gutenberg Museum with the special V-shape high-resolution scanner book2net Cobra A2.
This scanner with its gentle V-shape bookcradle and conservational lighting system was developed specifically for the digitization of the most precious illuminated manuscripts and incunabula.

book2net Cobra A2 V-Scanner in Gutenberg Museum Mainz
book2net Cobra A2 V-Scanner in Gutenberg Museum Mainz / © D. Ghemires
Digitization of the Gutenberg Bible by an employee of the museum and an employee of the company MICROBOX
Digitization of the Gutenberg Bible by an employee of the museum and an employee of the company MICROBOX / © D. Ghemires
Close-up of the laser for precise adjustment of the book center
Close-up of the laser for precise adjustment of the book center © Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz
Mitarbeiterin des Museums überprüft die fertigen Scans am Bildschirm
Museum employee checks the finished scans on the screen © Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz
11.03.2024 Press event at the Gutenberg Museum on the occasion of the digitization of the Gutenberg Bible
11.03.2024 Press event at the Gutenberg Museum on the occasion of the digitization of the Gutenberg Bible / © D. Ghemires

book2net action

MICROBOX is making its book scanner book2net Cobra A2 available to the museum for the duration of the project. The digitization will be carried out by museum staff after intensive training and with the support of MICROBOX specialists.


A total of around 2000 pages will be digitized. The digital copies will later be made available to researchers and the public online via the Gutenberg Capture platform of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

See Cobra

Further Case Studies

  book2net Cobra A2 semi-robotic V-scanner in use for the digitization of the precious Gutenberg Bible in Mainz
Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires

Medieval Manuscripts Project

Medieval Manuscripts
with Cobra A1

ARD Mediathek from min. 19:40

With funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG), a total of 462 medieval manuscripts from public institutions in the cities of Speyer, Worms and Mainz are to be digitized in an extensive project by 2026.

The Middle Rhine episcopal cities of Speyer, Worms and Mainz were among the political, religious and economic centers of the Middle Ages and produced a rich book culture, which today, however, is rather confusing due to the damage of subsequent centuries.

With the comprehensive digitization of the holdings and the public availability of the image data, researchers will have the opportunity to examine the cultural and transmission history of these book treasures in more detail.

Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires
Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires
“We are therefore delighted that we can now digitize these treasures and make them accessible to the public.”

Dr. Christian George
Head of the Archives and Collections Department, Mainz University Library

The project in numbers




digitized pages

Digitization is carried out at the Mainz University Library Digitization Centre under the direction of Dr. Christian George, Head of the Archives and Collections Department.


Participating institutions:

LBZ/Palatinate State Library (14 manuscripts)
Speyer Diocesan Archives (3 manuscripts)
Speyer City Archive (7 manuscripts)
Worms City Archive (13 manuscripts)
Scientific City Library of Worms (2 manuscripts)
Scientific City Library (273 manuscripts)
Mainz City Archive (51 manuscripts)
Martinus Library (56 manuscripts)
Gutenberg Museum (17 manuscripts)
Mainz Cathedral and Diocesan Museum (14 manuscripts)
Mainz Cathedral and Diocesan Archives (8 manuscripts)
Mainz University Library (3 manuscripts)
Archive of the Mainz Cathedral Choir (1 manuscript)


Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires
Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires
Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires
Digitization of the choir book of the Carmelites from the Cathedral Museum Mainz (shelfmark B 330 C, CC0). Photo/©: D. Ghemires
book2net COBRA A1 as part of a digitization station at Mainz University Library, where the scans are checked and post-processed. Photo/©: Larissa Arlt / Mainz University Library
book2net COBRA A1 as part of a digitization station at Mainz University Library, where the scans are checked and post-processed. Photo/©: Larissa Arlt / Mainz University Library

Book2net participation

As part of this project, book2net has already provided the Gutenberg Museum Mainz with its special COBRA A2 scanner for digitizing the Gutenberg Bible.

A book2net COBRA A1 V-scanner is used in the digitization center at Mainz University Library. The reduced aperture angle enables book-friendly digitization according to restoration specifications. The scan results fully comply with the DFG rules of practice.


A total of around 170,000 pages are to be digitized over the next three years. The digitized material will be made available to researchers and the public online via the platform Gutenberg Capture of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

See Cobra

Further Case Studies

Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln - Neubau Außenansicht

Securing the holdings of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne

the holdings of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne

The Historical Archive of the City of Cologne  ranks amomng the most important and largest municipal archives in Europe, distinguished by the large number of significant individual holdings, their continuity and the exceptionally high density of records.

The archive forms the written “Cologne city memory”. It stores a large number of documents from the history of the city of Cologne as well as the history of the Rhineland spanning a period over 1000 years making them accessible to its users.


Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln - Neubau Außenansicht

The Historical Archive of the City of Cologne in numbers

shelf space





Project background

On March 3, 2009, faulty work during the construction of a subway tunnel led to the catastrophic collapse of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne. In the process, the approximately 30 shelf kilometers of archival materials stored there were damaged, most of them suffering cracks to the point of fragmentation, buckling, compression, and damage caused by groundwater.

After the salvage phase was completed in 2011, during which about 95 percent of the buried archive material was recovered, the newly established Restoration and Digitization Center (RDZ) began sifting, restoring, and digitizing the holdings, a process that lasted until 2021.

During this phase, the search was on for systems that could scan the fragile holdings as gentle as possible. Due to the enormous amount of material to be handled and the workload for the staff, these also had to be as efficient as they were user-friendly.

The decision was made in favor of the first models in the book2net Flash and book2net Profi series, which have then been used since the end of 2011 at the latest. Thanks to the high depth of field of the book2net systems, not only files but also register volumes with thick pages can be scanned easily without readjustment.

Historical Archive of the City of Cologne, aerial view of the collapse site, March 4, 2009
©City of Cologne/Photo: Aerial view of the collapse site, March 4, 2009.
Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln. zerstörte Siegel am Verbundbrief.
©City of Cologne/Photo: Stefanie Behrendt. Destroyed seal on the Verbundbrief
©Rheinisches Bildarchiv/Photo: Anna C. Wagner. Roughly recorded archive material in dry containers, March 13, 2009.
©Rheinisches Bildarchiv/Photo: Anna C. Wagner. Roughly recorded archive material in dry containers, March 13, 2009.
©Rheinisches Bildarchiv/Erfassungszentrum 13.03.2009 Restorers and students from Cologne and Bern during the rough sorting and cleaning of the archival materials.
©Stadt Köln Mitarbeiter des RDZ beim Scannen von Archivgut am book2net Profi
©City of Cologne. Employees of the RDZ scanning archive material on book2net Profi and book2net Flash scanners.
Mitarbeiter des Historischen Archivs Köln an der book2net Hornet
©City of Cologne/Historical Archive. Archive staff scanning archive material with the book2net Hornet A0.
Einblick in das Magazin des Neubaus des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln am Eifelwall
©Rheinisches Bildarchiv/Photo: Michael Albers. Insight into the magazine of the new building at Eifelwall, room documentation, 21.08.2012

book2net action

After the first book2net book scanners had been in use at the digitization center for 10 years, the old book2net Profi and Flash systems were replaced with updated models in the course of setting up the new building, which opened in September 2021. In addition, another A0 system was purchased.

The Historical Archives now has two book2net Profi A2 book scanners, and one each of book2net Flash A1 and book2net Hornet A0 book scanners with dual illumination units.

The scanners can be conveniently triggered by mouse click as well as on the device itself or by foot pedal. The live video preview allows you to check the scan area without having to trigger a scan first.

systems used

Profi A2 Flash A1 Hornet A0


Since 2010, well over 3 million digitized files have been created in the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne. These include both user scans of modern files and high-resolution scans of documents, photos, negatives, manuscripts and large formats (posters, plans and documents). Digitization is done on a project-by-project basis and in response to user requests. It enables the archival documents to be used without having to present the original and opens up new global user groups by publishing them in the Digital Historical Archive.

The book2net team is proud to have been making an important contribution to the preservation and indexing of these culturally and historically significant collections for a decade now.


Cobra A2 at the Fondation Martin Bodmer

Cobra A2
V-shape book scanner
at the Fondation
Martin Bodmer

The Fondation Martin Bodmer was founded in 1971 by the private scholar Martin Bodmer (1899-1971). It manages and expands the unique collection of literature assembled by Bodmer during his lifetime, which includes precious manuscripts, books and documents as well as paintings, sculptures, reliefs and coins.

Since 1951, the collection has been housed in a purpose-built building in Cologny near Geneva. The part that is open to the public as a museum has been housed in an extension designed by Mario Botta since 2003. The exhibition shows a unique range of written testimonies from three millennia. Due to its significant holdings, the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana has been a UNESCO World Documentary Heritage Site since 2015.

“Working with this machine is a real pleasure because it is very easy to use and therefore do not demand large technical skills.”

Jérôme David
Director of Bodmer Lab

The Bodmer Library in numbers




Project background

In 2014, the Bodmer Lab team, led by Professor Jérôme David, began digitizing the holdings of the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. The Bodmer Lab emerged as a research and digitization project from the partnership between the Faculty of Arts of the University of Geneva and the Martin Bodmer Foundation.

For this extensive project, a book scanner was sought that met the high requirements for gentle and efficient digitization of the precious holdings. The Bodmer Lab team decided on the book2net Cobra A2 V scanner with semirobotics:

“Scanning with the Cobra machine is comfortable and user-friendly and the safety of our precious books is assured because of the stable industrial components. The scanning machine is designed to avoid damage on our precious books and it is really important to us to conserve them as best as we can.

What we also appreciate is the possisbility to digitize books of various formats which is a good thing for us because the Fondation Martin Bodmer has a wide range of rare books of different sizes.

Working with this scanner also allows us to save time because its dual sensors photograph two pages simultaneously.”

book2net Action

When the Cobra A2 was installed in 2015, intensive training for the staff was carried out at the same time. This way, the library does not have to rely on the help of outside specialists to carry out projects with our scanner. In addition, our service team took over the annual maintenance of the scanner, guaranteeing the smooth running of the project for years to come.


Already in the first year, over 400 publications were digitized with our Cobra A2. The digitization of the holdings continues on an ongoing basis. The digitized material is available to the public online via the Bodmer Lab website.

The medieval manuscripts are also available via the Swiss manuscript portal e-codices.

See Cobra

Further Case Studies

Cooperation with the National Library of Uzbekistan

with the National Library of Uzbekistan


The State Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan, founded in 1870 as the Tashkent Public Library, is Uzbekistan’s legal deposit library. In 1920, the then “State Public Library of Uzbekistan” became the legal deposit for Turkestan publications. In 1947 it was renamed Ali-Shir Nava’i Library after the Uzbek poet. On April 12, 2002 it was renamed the National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Außenansicht Nationalbibliothek Usbekistan

The National Library in numbers


major reading halls

visitors per year

Project background

Since 2016, Uzbekistan has been pursuing a comprehensive digitization strategy in the area of its administration and public services under President Mirziyoyev. This was significantly supported by LG Electronics, which carried out the tenders for major projects on behalf of the Uzbek government.

The development of the digital competencies of the National Library is an essential part of this process, in the course of which 60 new jobs were created. With regard to the necessary equipment, book2net met and even exceeded all requirements given in the corresponding tender and won the bit. In the summer of 2018, the first shipment of more than 30 book scanners arrived in Tashkent, where the devices were installed by our team. In 2019, new need for devices for the National Library branch offices around the country arose. Once again, book2net was able to convince, securing a shipment of 25 new book scanners to the country.

The National Library intends to digitize its entire stock of books, newspapers and photographs, making them accessible to the Uzbek public via their website. Thus, important cultural heritage from Uzbek history is preserved and made accessible to the local and rural communities all over the country.

book2net Flashs at the National Library of Uzebkistan
book2net Flashs in action
book2net Cobra V-shape scanner at the National Library of Uzbekistan
book2net Cobra V-shape scanner in operation
book2net Profi A2 book scanner with Makrolon plate
Fast and easy scanning with the book2net Profi with Makrolon pressure plate

book2net Action

With both customized and standard solutions, book2net managed to fulfill all demands and could effectively contribute to the country’s digitization process. In 2018 and 2019, 60 of our proven systems, including the X71 camera, the large-format scanners Hornet A0 and Flash A1, the Cobra V-shape system and the self-service scanners Public A2 and Spirit A3, were delivered to Tashkent and several other locations all over the country. All devices were installed by our technicians and the local staff was trained extensively to assure high-quality digitization.

systems used

X71 Camera Hornet A0 Flash A1 Cobra Profi A2 Spirit A3


The book2net team is proud to have made an important contribution to the digitization of Uzbekistan’s literary heritage that will now be available to a broad public as well as for further scientific research.

Watch the use of our equipment in the digitization center of the National Library in the video:


The valuable rare books and manuscripts can be accessed as full-text versions via a dedicated database:

see database

More Case Studies

Hybrid Scanning Systems – Federal Archives

Hybrid Scanning Systems
at the Federal Archives

The Federal Archives are a higher federal authority of the Federal Republic of Germany subordinate to the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) with a total of 22 locations. They have the legal mandate to permanently secure the archive material of the Federal Government and to make it usable.

These are documents such as files, maps, pictures, posters, films and sound recordings in analog and digital form. These documents originate predominantly from the central administrations of the German states since 1867 and from the estates of important persons.

The Federal Archive are one of Germany’s most important cultural institutions and hold, among other things, 540 linear kilometers of documents, 15 million images and 1 million film reels. Starting in 2024, 1% of the holdings will be digitized each year.

The Federal Archives in Numbers



shelf space

digital copies p.a.

Project background

In order to facilitate access to the files at the various locations in the long term, personal file inspection on site is gradually being supplemented by digital provision of the documents. Digitization on demand is carried out exclusively in the internal workshops of the Federal Archives. The digitized fonds can be accessed via the website of the Federal Archives.

In the full expansion stage, an internal digitization capacity of 20 million pages per year is planned. By the end of 2021, approximately 75 million pages have already been digitized.

To carry out this ambitious project, it was therefore necessary to increase the capacity of the digitization workshop and expand the pool of equipment.

book2net action

Digitizing large quantities of sometimes fragile materials is a particular challenge for the Federal Archives. Therefore, a system solution had to be found that scans in a particularly gentle manner as well as delivers high productivity.

For this reason, the Federal Archives opted for book2net hybrid scanning systems from MICROBOX. These systems consist of a document feeder scanner specially developed for archiving purposes and a planetary archive scanner, which are operated by joint scanning software. Hence, it is possible to switch between the devices at any time while the system is in operation. This makes it easy to digitize different formats and paper qualities within a single file in a single operation. Currently, this process is mainly used for index cards and files after 1945.

The variable setting options, for example for the feed speed, offer excellent possibilities for digitizing even very heterogeneous files quickly and efficiently. The conformity to METAMORFOZRE, FDAGI and ISO 19264-1 standards guarantees high and consistent image quality.


Since the beginning of 2022, 20 of our hybrid scanning systems and 6 planetary archive scanners have been in use at the Federal Archives. Further installations will be added in the course of the project in the following years.

Hybrid Scanning System


A1 Reprographic Studio at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum

A1 Reprographic Studio at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt/M

The Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research (SGN) was founded in 1817. The SGN operates seven research institutes and three natural history museums. Today, with around 850 employees, the SGN is one of the most important research institutions for all aspects of biological diversity. In regard to geobiological collections, the Frankfurt Senckenberg museum is one of the most important natural history museums in all of Europe, as well as one of the biggest. Natural history collections are the largest and most important research infrastructure of the Senckenberg. With around 40 million counting units, they represent the largest natural history collection in Germany and probably the sixth largest in the world. In accordance with its long tradition, the societies’ primary purpose is to conduct biological and natural research, and to make this accessible to everyone through publication, education, and its museums. The society is also the editor of both high-ranking academic journals and popular science publications.


“With the help of the scanner, detailed images of large-scale thin sections can be made quickly and checked in advance on a large screen.”

Dr. Peter Königshof
Historical Geology and Facies Studies Section

The Senckenberg Society in Numbers


Project background

At the Frankfurt site, the society holds extensive scientific and book collections from various disciplines that are to be successively digitized. To implement this digitization project, the SGN looked for a suitable solution by tendering and opted for a book2net A1 Reprographic studio solution. At the moment, the scanning system is installed in the Department of Paleontology and Historical Geology in Frankfurt am Main, helping to digitize extensive amounts of data from various research areas. This includes the scanning of scientific archives in the form of literature, reports or unpublished research data but also the scanning of various objects in their collections (e.g. herbarium specimens or thin sections of rock).

book2net action

Book2net designed a reprographic studio for SGN including a controllable lighting unit, additional book support and transmitted light table to meet the complex requirements of the collections. The installation took place in March 2021. Due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the instruction and training of the employees by the book2net team took place online and was recorded. SGN employees can now refresh their knowledge of how to use the system or train themselves at any time.


The digital photographic documentation adds enormous scientific value to the scientific community, as these data are stored with the scientific objects in the corresponding collections and can easily be sent on request instead of the objects themselves, which are sometimes very sensitive. Thus, inquiries including the corresponding image documentation can be answered quickly. Although the images do not generally replace more precise analyzes on the microscope, these data provide excellent image quality and are also used for scientific publications, among other things. The book2net reprographic studio at the Frankfurt site is used by numerous departments for various purposes and represents an important addition to the institute’s existing technical equipment.




The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Falcons for the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan

Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan

As a central government agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Justice, based in the capital Tashkent, has been tasked with consistently implementing a uniform state policy in the field of law and practice since the country gained independence in 1991. Special attention is given to the observance of democratic values and the protection of human rights, which are anchored in the constitution, as well as the full development of civil society in order to strengthen its legal framework. The ministry has offices in all 12 regions of Uzbekistan and collects legal and historically relevant public documents.


The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Logo Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan with lettering


Project background

In order to simplify administrative processes, to facilitate the access to documents for the employees and thereby improving the services for the Uzbek population, the Ministry of Justice has decided to start the extensive project of digitizing 160 million bound documents. These documents contain personal data of the Uzbek population spanning three generations. One of the major challenges of the project was that these documents were kept in 248 different locations across the country. In addition, the binding of Asian government documents differs from the European one, which makes it difficult for conventional scanners to capture information in the critical book fold area. The age and fragility of some documents also posed additional challenges.

book2net Falcon V-shape bookscanner at the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan


Since the Ministry of Justice was already familiar with the book2net team and the quality of the book2net scanners from previous projects, the Uzbek government was able to make a quick decision to cooperate again with us on this demanding project. The book2net team gladly accepted the logistical and qualitative challenge and initially developed and supplied two Falcon scanners to assess the situation. Based on the experience with these two units, it was possible to develop a customized solution that included all the aspects required.

Falcon is a small and mobile V-shape book scanner, ideally suited for the gentle digitization of bound stocks up to A4 + format, which can only be scanned with a small opening angle. The glass plate is cut to an angle of 55 °, thus ensuring that all information in the book fold can be correctly captured. At the same time, the Falcon is designed as a production scanner for high throughput and meets the demanding requirements of a long-term project. The ergonomic design makes it easier for the user to work on the device.

During the test phase, our book2net experts determined that it would be much more comfortable to transport the scanner to the documents instead of coordinating their transport to a central location. Therefore, the Falcon was designed as an out-of-the-box solution that can be easily operated by all employees of the ministry: The scanner’s special transport box also serves as a support table, so that the scanner must only be unpacked and connected to a computer.


Book2net delivered the devices to the individual locations and carried out on-site training for the employees. The Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan was therefore able to start the project as planned. According to feedback from the ministry, the digitization will be also completed in the planned period, as all devices are working smoothly. We are incredibly pleased to have made our contribution to this important, community-oriented project.

See the Falcon

Further Case Studies